21 March 2025

Atlas of the Sky from the European Commission

The most comprehensive data sources for the global airline and airport industries usually come at considerable cost but there are some good free sources of information available.

One such source is the online Atlas of the Sky provided by the European Commission.

Australian Government Aviation White Paper

In 2023 the Australian Government started consultations on a new aviation policy statement. The final Aviation White Paper - Towards 2050 was released in August 2024.

Fiji Aviation Policy and "Open Skies" with the United States

Following the announcement of a Cabinet decision on 9 April 2024 that also agreed to a mandate for negotiating an "open skies" agreement with the United States, in May 2024 the Deputy Prime Minister of Fiji, Hon. Viliame Gavoka, signed off on a new Aviation Policy that allows for "liberalisation of air transport on a case-by-case basis, in the national interest."

A new "open skies" air transport agreement between Fiji and the United States of America was signed between the two countries on 28 August 2024.

Airline On-Time Performance in New Zealand and across the Tasman

The New Zealand Ministry of Transport is now providing monthly reports of airline on-time performance on the main airline domestic routes and routes between New Zealand and Australia where there is more than one airline operating.

29 June 2023

Whangarei to Auckland transport links

Between COVID19 and a very wet 2023, the transport links between Northland and the rest of the country have suffered from major disruptions. They simply are not resilient. This post is the start of an examination of the problems and some of the possible solutions. It will be edited as I add more material but let's start with SH1.

I will also look at the months-long failure of the rail link, the proposals to build a rail link to the port at Marsden Point and move Whangarei airport, and an interesting new proposal for a ground-effect service along the coast called Ocean Flyer.

Before the Labour Government was elected, its National Party predecessor had promised a four-lane highway.

The current SH1 four laneing has now reached north to Warkworth with the recent opening of a new road north from Puhoi. This was part of the previous Government's Roads of National Significance (RoNs) programme.

At the same time work has been done to improve the safety of the existing section of SH1 between Warkworth and Wellsford.

But what was investigated before the change of Government in 2017? There is still information on the NZ Transport Agency web site about what might have involved a major rerouting of SH1, avoiding both Dome Valley and the Brynderwyn Hill. See, for example, the August 2017 Programme Business Case: https://www.nzta.govt.nz/assets/projects/whangarei-to-te-hana/Whangarei-to-Auckland-PBC.pdf

Information about the current work programme is available from the NZTA web page on Connecting Northland: https://www.nzta.govt.nz/projects/connecting-northland/ 

11 June 2023

Airline Competition in Australia

For the last three years the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has been required to produce quarterly reports on airline competition in Australia. These reports are available here.

05 June 2023

Fifth Freedom operations around the world

Fifth freedom services involve the sale and carriage of passengers and or cargo by an international airline between two countries, neither of which is the home country of that airline.

Their exchange by governments was a contentious issue at the Chicago conference in 1944. They have subsequently been exchanged by governments on a limited basis in bilateral air services arrangements and more recently have been a key feature of "open skies" agreements.

Perhaps their value has diminished, however, with technology improvement as more fuel efficient airliners have become capable of flying longer and longer ranges thereby eliminating the need to make intermediate stops.

On 27 January 2023 Matt Graham of Australian Frequent Flyer published a very interesting list of the remaining fifth freedom operations around the world.

03 June 2023

Old New Zealand aeronautical charts

In late 2021 I came across a source for scans of all the old New Zealand aeronautical charts and plates. The scans are excellent but the indexing is just about non existent when it comes to trying to isolate them out.

Go to: geodatahub.library.auckland.ac.nz 

Have a look in the Knowledge Base at the New Zealand Mapping Service section, click on NZMS_009A, NZMS_009C, NZMS_012A, NZMS_89A, NZMS_096 and NZMS_228 then click on .jpg

NZMS_006 contains hundreds of aerodrome plates and instrument procedures.

NZMS_103 covers the NZ-UK air route in 1953.

Some of the earliest charts that I could find date from the late 1930s.

20 May 2023

Parliamentary Annual Reviews of Air New Zealand

Since the New Zealand Government took a majority shareholding in Air New Zealand the company has been the subject of annual reviews by a parliamentary select committee. The following is a (draft) list of some recent reports:

20 February 2017

New Zealand to join satellite-based augmentation systems trial programme

On Friday, 17 February 2017 the Prime Ministers of Australia and New Zealand announced that the New Zealand would be joining a satellite-based augmentation system trial programme (see third to last paragraph on page 2).

Related announcements were made by Hon Simon Bridges, New Zealand Minister of Economic Development and Minister of Transport (here), and the Australian Ministers of Resources, Hon Matthew Canavan, and Infrastructure, Hon Darren Chester (here).

Additional information is available on the New Zealand web sites of:
See also previous post.

13 February 2017

Australia funding a satellite-based augmentation systems test-bed and trial programme

Modern positioning infrastructure, such as the US-provided Global Positioning System (GPS), is something people are increasingly taking for granted yet it is also technology that is proving useful for many transport-related applications.

The accuracy and integrity of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), of which GPS is now but one example, can be improved through using satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS) that broadcast correction messages using geostationary satellites. SBAS coverage is already provided over North America (WAAS), Europe (EGNOS), Japan (MSAS) and India (GAGAN) but not over Australasia.

On 17 January 2017 the Australian Ministers of Infrastructure and Resources announced that the Federal Government would be providing A$12m to fund a SBAS test-bed and trial programme.

Further information about this was provided in a statement released on the same day by the Chief Executive of Geoscience Australia and related questions and answers.

On 10 February 2017 Geoscience Australia announced that the test-bed would be provided by a consortium of Lockheed Martin from the USA, GMV from Spain and Inmarsat from the UK. Both Lockheed Martin and GMV have made press releases about this news.

CRCSI is going to be involved in organising the trial programme.

A change of focus for the blog - transport technology

While I continue to be fascinated by aeropolitical developments and on a personal note I have taken up flying again (this time with the Whangarei Flying Club), my professional interests are now more focused on developments in transport technology across all modes.

It seems likely that we are on the cusp of transport-technology disruption the likes of which we have not seen since the end of the nineteenth century. Topics like the "Internet of Things" and "Big Data" all have a transport dimension, and we are increasingly using such phrases as "Intelligent Mobility" and "Mobility as a Service".

It is an exciting time to be involved in transport policy as we work through the implications of the anticipated transport system changes.

As a consequence I will also now be using this weblog to provide links to some of the more interesting reports and articles on intelligent transport systems (ITS).

06 April 2015

POST Notes on Transport

The UK's Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) has produced a series of short briefing notes that it calls POSTnotes that are relevant to those with an interest in transport policy. The following have been published over the last decade:


479 - Civilian Drones 
472 - Big and Open Data in Transport
468 - Big Data Overview


440 - Drug-driving
432 - Accessing Public Transport


365 - Electric Vehicles
362 - Resilience of UK Infrastructure
361 - Space Weather
355 - Space Debris
354 - Global Carbon Trading


322 - Intelligent Transport Systems


255 - Low Carbon Private Vehicles


218 - Speed Cameras

A POSTnote on Trends in Transport UPDATED has been completed.

24 June 2013

A really bad day at the office for these pilots!

The chain of events leading to this February 2006 runway overrun by a business jet in Northern Germany reported on 24 May 2013 by John Croft in the Things with Wings blog is quite amazing.

The official 22 page accident report gives more details.

26 February 2012


A couple of years ago when I first got an iPhone I downloaded from iTunes and listened to an aviation podcast. I was not impressed as the speakers were amateur enthusiasts who were clearly not that well informed.

I then started listening to EconTalk, a series of excellent podcasts by economist Russ Roberts from GMU in Virginia (he also blogs at Cafe Hayek). Each week he interviews at length a distinguished economist in a manner that is not overly technical.

For lighter relief I have been listening to the Friday Night Comedy from BBC Radio 4. These generally take the form of a quiz or short monologues focussed on the latest political news from the UK.

More recently, I have been listening to a couple of much more professionally done aviation podcasts.

They have turned out to be excellent with coverage of civil and miltary aviation, including aviation history and technology. I have been listening to older episodes and have even sent off a couple of possible "Grill the Geeks" questions to the USA.

These have all been great listening while walking our two dogs.


Over the last few months I have become a fan of using Twitter (posts should be 140 characters or less and URLs are usually shortened) and some of the web links that I have previously been posting here are now being sent out from @aeropolitics  It is also an excellent method for following other relevant Twitter accounts on the latest developments around the world as they happen. I will, however. be making an effort to catch up on my weblog posting.

I have also started helping the New Zealand Division of the Royal Aeronautical Society (I am a Council member) with tweets focussed on New Zealand aviation news using the brand name @aerospacenz

And I am still using @macilree for short messages of a more personal nature.

As this can often be done from my "old" iPhone it is generally a much quicker way of providing links to information that may be of interest to others.

To assist I am using Tweetdeck both on our PC and my smartphone.

17 November 2011

ECJ Advocate General releases opinion on extension of EU ETS to cover international aviation

On 6 October 2011 the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) issued a press release and non-binding legal opinion on the case (C-366/10) brought by the Air Transport Association of America and Others (see previous post).

Reaction from interested parties the same day included statements from:
Media coverage of the opinion and related reaction included:
While airline opposition might be expected, of much greater significance is the reaction of foreign governments.

As might be expected, the opinion has been of considerable interest to international law academics. Aviation Law Prof Blog from DePaul University in Chicago has been providing commentary and links to other work:

Canada signs expanded air agreement with Japan

On 1 October 2011 the Canadian Ministers of International Trade and Transport announced that Canada had negotiated new air services arrangements with Japan (see previous post).

04 October 2011

Australia concludes open air services agreement with Japan

On 30 September 2011 the Australian Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Hon Anthony Albanese, announced that Australia had negotiated a new open air services agreement with Japan. For Australian airlines the arrangements include time-restricted access to Haneda airport in Tokyo and open access to Narita airport from 2013. While described as "open skies", some slot-related restrictions on access to these Tokyo airports remain for the time being. Also included are fifth freedom rights for Australian airlines beyond Japan to third countries.

On 16 August 2011 the Qantas group had announced that it will be entering into a new joint venture with Japan Airlines and Mitsubishi Corporation to establish Jetstar Japan. Although announced as a domestic operation, this new joint venture could qualify to use Japanese international air rights.

18 September 2011

UK has air services negotiations scheduled with Japan

The United Kingdom Forward Programme of Possible Bilateral Air Services Talks published by the Department for Transport has negotiations scheduled for September 2011 with Cuba, Egypt and Turkmenistan.

More interestingly it states that the UK has negotiations scheduled with Japan for 17-19 January 2012. With the recent talks with Canada (see previous post), Japan is clearly starting to work through a priority list of countries outside of East Asia (see previous post) as it implements its "open skies" policy.

UK Government responds to Committee on Climate Change Aviation Report

On 25 August 2011 the UK Department for Transport published a government response to the Aviation Report issued by the Committee for Climate Change (CCC) in December 2009 (see previous post).

The response focusses on an estimated marginal abatement cost curve to reduce CO2 emissions from UK aviation.

APEC Transportation Ministers meet in San Francisco

APEC Transportation Ministers met in San Francisco on 14 September 2011. The Ministerial Joint Statement released at the meeting makes specific mention of the Multilateral Agreement on the Liberalization of International Air Transportation (MALIAT).

APEC has long taken an interest in the economic regulation of international air transport. In the late 1990s it developed and prioritised eight options for reform and these were endorsed when APEC Leaders met and issued the Auckland Challenge on 13 September 1999 (see page 4).

Guiding APEC's work in trade have been the Bogor goals set by Leaders in 1994.

NZ Commerce Commission has a win in air cargo pricing court case

On 26 August 2011 the New Zealand Commerce Commission announced that it had won a procedural judgement in the High Court in its case against nine airlines (see previous post).

Australian Productivity Commission releases draft report on airport regulation

On 22 August 2011 the Australian Productivity Commission released a draft report on the Economic Regulation of Airport Services. The final date for submissions is 23 September 2011.

Our Standard Poodles enjoy their 15 minutes of fame

Morgan and Bree, our two Standard Poodles, along with my wife Wendy and I feature in a Rugby World Cup-related article and photograph on the second page of Wellington's main newspaper the Dominion Post on Saturday, 17 September 2011. The dogs had All Blacks and England team logos applied to their fur when they were groomed on Friday.

Morgan does actually watch the television, although he tends to prefer watching quadrupeds rather than bipeds, and Bree is obsessed by balls.

India's Comptroller and Auditor General Examines Air India

The Comptroller and Auditor General of India has recently released a Performance Audit of Civil Aviation in India. The audit commenced in September 2009 and the report was tabled in Parliament on 8 September 2011.

For me the most interesting part of the report was Chapter 5 which looks at India's bilateral air services arrangements during a period of fundamental change in India's international air transport policy. Of particular concern to the auditors was the extent of sixth freedom carriage by many of the foreign airlines serving India, notably from small city states. Sixth freedom carriage in this context involves a foreign international airline is carrying traffic between India and a third country via its home country. Seeking to limit such carriage is a traditional approach to air rights exchanges dating back to the 1946 Bermuda 1 arrangements between the UK and the USA (see previous post).

What I had not expected to see was the extent to which European carriers serving India have as high a proportion of sixth freedom carriage as airlines from the Gulf. An 18 September 2011 article in the Business Standard reports on the data.

The auditors also focus in particular on the failure of the Indian Ministry of Civil Aviation to secure Dubai's agreement to a "change of gauge" provision. If this was considered important surely the Indian negotiators would have made it the price for agreeing to capacity increases for Emirates?

A 10 September 2011 report in the Indian Express covers the reaction to the report from the Ministry of Civil Aviation.

It would seem that India has no intention of seeking to wind back existing air services arrangements but one has to wonder what impact this report will have on future negotiations, particularly as there was a change of Civil Aviation Minister in India from Praful Patel to Vyalar Ravi in January 2011.

Air India recently had its application to join the Star alliance suspended (see 31 July 2011 media release) and there is now some doubt about its large order for new Boeing aircraft, including the B787.

In the 1960s Air India was one of the great airlines of the world with its wonderful Maharaja character. However, past failures to agree to replace older airliners has left the airline with a relatively old fleet.

"Breaking the Surly Bonds of Economic Regulation" by Chris Lyle

Consultant and former senior official at ICAO, Chris Lyle of Air Transport Economics in Canada published an article in August 2011 suggesting a way forward towards liberalising international air transport economic regulation involving a club approach.

Although I would not uncritically accept what he has to say, it is well worth reading.

Japan negotiating "open skies" agreement with Canada

CAPA reported that Japan's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MILT) announced on 9 September 2011 that it would be negotiating an open skies agreement with Canada commencing on 13-14 September 2011 in Vancouver.

MILT noted that this would be only the second such agreement outside of East Asia, the first having been with the United States (see previous post).

New Zealand Productivity Commission International Freight Transport Services Inquiry

The new New Zealand Productivity Commission (modelled on its Australian counterpart) is conducting an Inquiry into International Freight Transport Services. The Commission is looking at both aviation and maritime services, including air and sea ports (New Zealand has no land borders).

The Terms of Reference for the Inquiry were released in March 2011 and on 13 July 2011 the Commission released a 78-page Issues Paper with 79 specific questions.

Submissions are now being made available on the Commission's web site. To date those from the aviation industry have included submissions from the Aviation Industry Association, Board of Airline Representatives NZ, New Zealand Air Cargo Council, NZ Airports Association, and Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch airports.

04 September 2011

New Zealand Government releases transport policy direction statement

On 31 August 2011 the New Zealand Minister of Transport, Hon. Steven Joyce, released a new 44-page transport policy direction statement, Connecting New Zealand.

In contrast to the previous coalition government's 2008 New Zealand Transport Strategy (see previous post), Connecting New Zealand includes three pages specifically focussed on civil aviation.

Road safety continues to be a major priority. Also featured are the Roads of National Significance, a programme of investment in the road network around New Zealand's three main centres, and major investment in rail.

Australian draft report on the Regulation of Airport Services

On 22 August 2011 the Australian Productivity Commission released a draft report on the Economic Regulation of Airport Services.

An Issues paper was issued back in January 2011.

The Commission's final report to the government is scheduled to be made in December 2011.

New Zealand domestic air transport trends to June 2011

Since I last looked at the trends in domestic air passenger numbers twelve months ago by charting the numbers through the three main airports (see previous post) there have been some major external shocks.

Christchurch has been hit by three major earthquakes (7.1 magnitude on 4 September 2010, 6.3 on 22 February 2011 with 181 fatalities and 6.3 on 13 June 2011) and thousands of aftershocks. This was followed by disruption caused by the 4 June 2011 eruption of Puyehue volcano in Chile.

In addition, Pacific Blue withdrew from the New Zealand domestic market on 18 October 2010 leaving Jetstar to compete with Air New Zealand. It is not surprising therefore that domestic air transport have seen some large monthly declines in the year to June 2011.

On a more positive note, the progressive replacement of Air New Zealand's domestic B737-300 aircraft (133 seats) with A320 aircraft (171 seats) can be expected to boost domestic passenger numbers. Already this has been causing congestion at the main domestic screening point at Auckland airport. On 9 August 2011 the airport company announced that this was being addressed.

I am now monitoring monthly domestic passenger numbers at Queenstown Airport and may include these in a future update.

13 August 2011

Getting Paid by Gov't. for NOT Flying Passengers

A weblog post on Carpe Diem from a US economist, Mark Perry, about the Essential Air Service Program in the United States where they have a fiscal crisis, CARPE DIEM: Getting Paid by Gov't. for NOT Flying Passengers, caught my attention. For a mad moment I have been contemplating how I would answer his question: "... what is the best kind of airplane not to fly passengers on ..."

Canada liberalises air services arrangements with Mexico

On 12 August 2011 the Canadian government announced that it has expanded its air transport agreement with Mexico.

The key feature of the new arrangements is the removal of capacity limits on direct (3rd/4th freedom) flights between the two countries.

Tariffs regulation provisions have also been liberalised, and the safety and security articles updates.

11 August 2011

Brazil signs new air transport agreement with Canada

The Canadian Prime Minister's Office has announced from Brasilia that on 8 August 2011 Canada signed a new Air Transport Agreement with Brazil.

The new arrangements include provision for third-country code-sharing.

They have been welcomed by Air Canada and WestJet.

24 July 2011

US Congress to ban US airlines participating in EU ETS?

On 20 July 2011 the US House of Representatives Transportation and Infrastructure Committee announced that it is intended to ban US airlines participating in the "illegal" coverage of international aviation by the European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme by means of a short, 5-section Bill.

GreenAir Online covers the development in a 21 July 2011 article, and includes reaction from MEPs.

Many such bills will not make it into law but the fact that this one has bipartisan support suggests that it should not be taken lightly. With key interests in both the United States and China (see previous post) both firmly opposed to the unilateral action being taken by the European Union, as Flightglobal journalist Will Horton has noted, this could get ugly.

US airlines case against EU ETS coverage heard by European Court of Justice

On 5 July 2011 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) heard a case (C-366/10) brought by the US Air Transport Association (ATA), American Airlines and United Continental Holdings against their inclusion the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS)(see previous post).

The ATA has published it oral argument and written observations here.

The Aviation Environment Federation issued a statement noting some of the arguments put in favour of the legality of extending coverage.

The hearing was covered 6 July 2011 articles in Air Transport World and Aviation Week.

An opinion on the case will be delivered by the Advocate General on 6 October 2011 with a final judgement to follow later.

New Zealand Government mandates air services negotiations in East Asia and South America

On 14 July 2011 the New Zealand Associate Minister of Transport, Nathan Guy, announced that New Zealand's air services negotiators had been issued with mandates for negotiations with up to 10 countries in East Asia and South America. China and Brazil were specifically named. These regions are seen as emerging markets with considerable growth potential. In addition, the prospect of Auckland (AKL) gaining a share of East Asia-South America traffic is referred to. The statement refers to the LAN-Cathay Pacific code share via Auckland (see previous post).

Auckland and Christchurch airports both made media statements welcoming the announcement.

On 15 July 2011 Flight Global (Will Horton) and Aviation Week (Adrian Schofield) covered the news. The latter noted that capacity restrictions applied under New Zealand's current air services agreements with China and Brazil.

A 21 July 2011 Air Transport Intelligence article by Will Horton notes the technology and alliance challenges Air New Zealand faces if it is to serve Brazil.

The Minister's media statement also announced the New Zealand had reached agreement with the Netherlands to remove restrictions on code sharing. This allows SkyTeam member, KLM, to code share to AKL via Guangzhou on the new China Southern operation (see previous post). KLM has been code sharing to New Zealand on Malaysia Airlines which is joining the oneworld alliance.

10 July 2011

"Aerotropolis - The Way We'll Live Next" by John Kasarda and Greg Lindsay

I had expected that this book would be more of an academic work than what it is - largely one of business journalism - but it is well worth a read nonetheless.

Aerotropolis gives a good picture of the role that civil aviation is now playing in globalisation, and how airports have become central to modern economies and urban development.

Featured in the book are developments around:

  • Incheon (ICN) - where a new city, Songdo, is being built
  • Los Angeles (LAX) - where the airport had not been supported
  • Dulles (IAD) - near Washington DC in a wealthy and growing part of Virginia
  • Chicago (ORD) - where there were plans for an additional airport
  • Memphis (MEM) and Louisville (SDF) - hubs for FedEx and UPS respectively
  • Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) - hub for American Airlines
  • Detroit (DTW) - second hub for Delta with links to Asia and looking to build a Detroit Region Aerotropolis
  • Denver (DEN) - where a completely new airport was opened
  • Amsterdam (AMS) - with its associated flower market
  • Dubai (DXB), Abu Dhabi (AUH) and Doha (DOH) - with their competing global ambitions
  • Bangkok (BKK) - where a new airport has been built on a swamp
  • Hong Kong (HKG), Guangzhou (CAN) and Shenzhen (SZX) - vital to the success of manufacturing in the Pearl River Delta

For me, the book's coverage of developments in China was the most interesting, perhaps because it was the least familiar.

Memorable concepts from the book include:

  • "Kasarda's Law of Connectivity: every technology meant to circumvent distances electronically ... will only stoke our desire to transverse [distance] ourselves."
  • "Individual companies don't compete. Supply chains compete. Networks and systems compete."
  • Marchetti's Constant

One piece of advice that is actually included late in the book. Use Google Earth while reading "Aerotropolis" to get an idea of the lie of the land around the airports being referred to.

Reviews of the book have appeared in:

It is clear that civil aviation in general and the future that Kasarda outlines have their sceptics and this book is somewhat provocative.

An earlier 1 July 2006 article, Rise of the Aerotropolis, on the concept by Greg Lindsay appeared in Fast Company.

03 July 2011

Seat capacity limit between Australia and Indonesia increased

On 1 July 2011 the Australian Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Hon Anthony Albanese, announced UPDATED that Australia and Indonesia had reached an understanding to increase the seat capacity that may be operated by the airlines of the two countries by 86% to 27,500 seats per week.

The Minister's statement highlighted the 32% average annual growth in passenger demand between the two countries over the last three years.